

The Body Toolkit 'Reset' Guided Detox

Example 'Typical Day' on The Body Toolkit 'Reset' Guided Detox

*Flexible programme that could be adapted around work
8.00am Prepare Breakfast Juice (or All Juices for the Day Ahead)
9.30am Breakfast Juice & Check-in via Group Chat

12.30pm Lunchtime Juice 

3.30pm  Afternoon Juice 

6.30pm Evening Soup & Group Coaching Call via Zoom
7.30pm Prep for Next Day's Juicing (Wash Fruit & Veg)
8.00pm Optional Health-Related Documentary (for Inspiration)
9.30pm Evening Routine Before Bed

*Optional Activities Suggested for During the Day: Yoga, A Walk,
Exercise, Journaling, Reading, Meditation or Something Creative

Upcoming retreats

There are no upcoming "The Body Toolkit 'Reset' Guided Detoxs" scheduled. Please take a look at our other retreat types here.

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