
The Body Toolkit Blog

'The Retreat Was Like Pressing the Reset Button on My Life'


“I arrived stressed out, overweight, peri-menopausal and I just needed to get my life back on track... 6 months on and I’m still juicing most days, my skin is much improved and I have more energy, vitality and enthusiasm. I am now full-time self employed and I love it; my stress levels have reduced dramatically and I know that having that week with Katrina set me on the right path with regards to my physical and mental health and well-being.”

Jane visited The Body Toolkit Retreat at Arisaig House in spring 2019, just as she was transitioning from her job of 25 years, into becoming a full-time self-employed complementary therapist.  At a huge turning point in her life; Jane wanted the retreat to give her a healthy kickstart into this new chapter. Six months after the retreat and this is Jane's story:

"I arrived in Arisaig on a beautiful March day and was greeted by Katrina, who I recognised at once, as I had met her previously at a well-being event.  At that event I knew I would one day go on her retreat - I just didn’t realise that it would take me 4 years to get there!

The day before I had left my job of 25 years and was having this week to press the reset button on my life.  I had a stressful job that I grew to hate and knew that if I had stayed it would eventually kill me.  So I’d made the decision 6 months prior to hand in my notice and to go full-time self employed in my business as a Complementary Therapist; which I had been building up for 2 years.

I arrived stressed out, overweight, peri-menopausal and I just needed to get my life back on track… which is exactly what the retreat did.

We were completely looked after by Katrina for the whole time we were there.  The juices, smoothies and soups she made were so delicious (I still use all her recipes).  She made them with such love and kindness that we were completely nourished and never hungry.  As Katrina is a local girl she knew all the best walks to take us on and the beaches were stunning.  The sea was so blue and paddling in the March Scottish sea turned my feet blue too!  I was with a lovely group of women; all with their own stories and it was wonderful to be part of each others' journeys for a short while.  The yoga each morning was a great way to start the day; and then cozying up on the couch, under blankets by the fire was a great way to end the day.

So, 6 months on, and I’m still juicing most days and making healthier choices as a whole.  I lost 6lbs by the end of my stay, and a further 4lbs after that which I’ve more or less kept off.  My skin is much improved and I have more energy, vitality and enthusiasm.  The retreat is about so much more than food though.  It is a chance to have time out, whilst being nourished and doing as much or as little as you like.  It allows you to slow down, to clear your head and to see what is important in life.  I now work in a job I love and my stress levels have reduced dramatically and I know that having that week with Katrina set me on the right path with regards to my physical and mental health and well-being.

Katrina is a shining star and should you be fortunate enough to meet her you’ll know exactly what I mean.  I’ll definitely be back one day, as I never did quite convince Katrina to make sand angels on the beach with me."

The Body Toolkit award-winning retreat programmes share simple, yet powerful things we can all do to nourish the body, reduce stress and help ourselves to thrive. For dates, availability and prices for upcoming retreats:

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