
The Body Toolkit Blog

5 Ways to Boost Your Energy & Feel Younger


People often report that they feel noticeably "younger" and have more energy after their week of juice fasting at the retreat, and there is now growing evidence to show that it is possible to not only feel and look younger, but also live a longer life by incorporating some of the following into our daily routines.

1. Time-Restricted Eating – as hunter-gatherers we wouldn't have had the same constant supply of food at our disposal, and our digestion would have been regularly 'rested'. Studies on time-restricted eating, such as 8pm to noon overnight fasting, suggest that it can have the same anti-ageing benefits at the cellular level as long-term calorie restriction.

2. Reduce the Portion Size – we are undeniably eating more than our great grandparents and the consequences are showing: a 2018 study found that those who significantly reduced their calorie intake had markedly lower blood pressure, less inflammation and a lower risk of age-related diseases, such as diabetes, dementia and heart disease.

3. Drink Plenty of Water – at the retreat I invite attendees to take 'before and after' selfies to show the effects of six nights of juice fasting. By the end of the week, participants often look five years younger in their after photos, purely down to the focus on hydration during the week, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and improving skin elasticity and texture. 

4. Prioritise Sleep - rest is the unsung hero in people's transformations at the retreats - for many it's the first time in their lives where they've taken a week out of their schedule to properly rest. Researchers warn that fragmented sleep is associated with chronic inflammation which is linked to heart problems, poor mental health and Alzhiemer's.

5. Release Negative Thoughts – harbouring long-term negative thoughts, emotions and feelings not only lowers our immune systems but it can also shorten our lives. According to a Boston University study of 70,000 people, where they found that optimists live longer, with up to a 70% better chance of reaching 85 than severe pessimists.

Anyone with a future residential retreat booking will qualify for free access to 'The Body Toolkit Virtual Retreat' (worth £297). To claim a free place, please just get in touch with me by sending an enquiry here.

Kirsty did the virtual retreat whilst working from home in May: "I’m feeling great! The online retreat has helped me reset my approach to health and wellbeing in the broadest sense. I feel lighter, more energised and more aware of how I’m fuelling my body. Since the retreat I’ve continued with one juice a day, I’ve lost 3kg and kept it off, my skin is glowing and I’m very motivated!

For more information about the Online Retreats see: The Body Toolkit Virtual Retreats

The Body Toolkit award-winning retreat programmes share simple, yet powerful things we can all do to nourish the body, reduce stress and help ourselves to thrive. For dates, availability and prices for upcoming retreats:

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